SCA Food Drive Challenge

SCA Food Drive Challenge
Posted on 12/15/2021
Truckload of FoodSCA presented a challenge to each grade level to bring in nonperishable food items from November 15—December 15, 2021. The challenge was, one homeroom class from each grade level wins a donut and drink for breakfast for collecting the most items. Everyone did an amazing job collecting food for the Gleamers and Blenders Food Bank. As a school, we AMAZINGLY collected 773 food items. The 6th graders “ROCK” - collecting an amazing 472 items and Ms. Jenkins’ class collected the most - 136 items. The 7th graders did an excellent job collecting a total of 225 items and Mrs. White’s homeroom class collected the most - 104 items. Finally, the 8th graders collected 76 items and Mrs. Lee’s homeroom class collected 24 items. Thank you to all who made donations to a most worthy charity, it is greatly appreciated. Way to go Northumberland Middle School!